Tagged: Transport Department

E-permit for heavy vehicles from October 10 0

E-permit for heavy vehicles from October 10

Currently, the operators of heavy vehicles, such as lorry, truck, tractor, tanker and dumper submit application forms and other documents at the commissioner’s office in their respective division. PATNA: The state transport department is...

Only 31% of autos have working GPS 0

Only 31% of autos have working GPS

The Delhi government had made functional GPS mandatory in autos and taxis in 2009. NEW DELHI: If you are travel by auto rickshaw in Delhi, there is almost a 70% chance that your ride is not safe....


Punjab Adopt Traffic Technology for Accidents

Installation of Traffic Technology automatic speed surveillance equipment initially at accident-prone zones, shoulder rumble strips by the side of roads, and weigh-in-motion bridges are all on the government’s agenda. Chandigarh: Traffic Technology to check...

Delhi: Truck weighing machines roll in to cut bad air 0

Truck weighing machines roll in to cut

Truck weighing machines, which determine the exact weight of trucks, will become operational from Friday. NEW DELHI: In a bid to curb the movement of overloaded trucks in the capital, Delhi government’s transport department has installed Truck...